Revenue Management

How independent hotels can increase reservations

How independent hotels can increase reservations 1042 703 HotelREZ

Independent, non-branded properties often have to compete against well-known hotel chains or brands with extensive sales resources and revenue capabilities. This can be frustrating and might seem like it’s impossible for an independent hotel’s reservations to increase significantly. This couldn’t be further from the truth though. Guests often look for a property that has character…

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What is the true value of a corporate traveller?

What is the true value of a corporate traveller? 842 510 HotelREZ

Work travel is growing at a rapid speed, with business travel spend expected to reach $1.7 trillion by 2022. Currently, up to 30% of business travellers (also often known as ‘road warriors’) travel at least once per month. What’s more, according to a recent survey, 75% of respondents said they had extended business trips for…

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What OTA commission rates are costing your hotel – and how to reduce them

What OTA commission rates are costing your hotel – and how to reduce them 842 510 HotelREZ

OTAs, short for Online Travel Agencies, make up an important distribution channel for most travel businesses as more than half of all travellers use an OTA to plan their upcoming trips. For millennials, the figures are even more drastic: a recent report found that over 80% of bookings were made online by under-30s, with OTAs…

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Four strategies to increase RevPAR throughout the year

Four strategies to increase RevPAR throughout the year 1756 1320 HotelREZ

RevPAR, also known as revenue per available room, is a key performance metric in the hospitality industry to gauge a hotel’s financial and business performance. Calculated by dividing a hotel’s total room revenue by the number of available rooms, RevPAR is a measurement of both average daily room revenue and occupancy rate. Put simply, RevPAR…

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Pricing Data

News: HotelREZ implements Revcaster Comp-Set Pricing Data

News: HotelREZ implements Revcaster Comp-Set Pricing Data 690 360 HotelREZ
HotelREZ has recently partnered with Revcaster, a leading supplier of hotel pricing tools, in order to provide its member hotels with rate parity reports as well as competitive pricing data. HotelREZ is now shopping for hotels on a regular basis and across a number of different channels, allowing properties to monitor their current available rates. If [...]read more